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"Return of the Dragon" Welsh Triple Crown 1988

Through the long, barren years, the Welsh Rugby Dragon lay sleeping. Eight seasons had passed since it last ruled the Five Nations Championship and throughout the valleys there were prayers for its awakening. 1988 was the season which saw the Red Dragon breathe fire again as Wales scorched their way towards their seventeenth Triple Crown with victories over England, Scotland and Ireland. And they did it in style, with only the mighty French finally denying them the Grand Slam. The Return of the Dragon was accompanied by a brand of high-risk, running rugby that recalled the great Welsh teams of the Seventies. A thoroughbred back division, spearheaded by mercurial half backs Robert Jones and Jonathan Davles, and a mobile pack, inspired by Hneout ace Robert Norster, ensured Welsh wizardry in abundance. 'Return of the Dragon' features highlights of all four matches: the stylish 11-3 opening victory against England at Twickenham; the thrill-a-minule 25-20 classic against Scotland at Cardiff; the torrid 12-9 Triple Crown decider against Ireland In Dublin; and the Grand Slam showdown with France at Cardiff. It is a spectacular souvenir of a Championship season set alight by the 'Return of the Dragon'.Commentators: Bill McLaren, Martyn Williams, Phil Bennett, Bill Beaumont, Eddie Butler. BBC Video presentation by John Bodnar Television production: England v Wales - Huw Jones Wales v Scotland/Wales v France - Dewi Griffiths Ireland v Wales-

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