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Gallagher Premiership 2022 2023 Final Saracens Sale

27 mai 2023

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Saracens are the champions of England once more. It has been a long, arduous, and punishing journey for Mark McCall’s side since their banishment to the Championship two years ago for their salary cap breaches, but finally redemption is theirs. They may have stumbled at the final hurdle last season on their first return to the top flight with a last-gasp defeat by Leicester Tigers, but here, in one of the greatest Premiership finals on the hottest day of the year, this victory felt more worthy and impactful than any of their previous five titles. 

Saracens breached the rules and were rightly punished, but no one can deny them their champion status now, with England captain Owen Farrell delivering the finest performance of the season just at the right time. Not even a couple of ‘Just Stop Oil’ protestors who briefly interrupted the contest by throwing bags of orange powder paint could spoil this sense of occasion. If anything, it added to the carnival spirit as players from both sides intervened and the pair departed the pitch to booing and showered by tossed drinks. It appeared they had not read the room.


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