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AFLW 2023 Preliminary Final North Melbourne Tasmanian Kangaroos Adelaide Crow

Second Preliminary Final
26 novembre 2023
Ikon Park

2.52 Go
1.52 Go

After years of heartbreak, North Melbourne has finally broken through for a Grand Final berth, and those agonising losses themselves may have just been the reason why. The Roos lost home-and-away matches to all of Melbourne, Adelaide and Brisbane this year, and have now beaten both the Demons and Crows in the finals series, with the Lions to come in the decider.

"I said to the group even before the game – you have to earn the right to get into a Grand Final. Preliminary finals are so hard to get through," coach Darren Crocker said. "Whether there was a bit of resolve from last year, whether there's been a bit of resolve from some of the close losses we've had this year – I thought in the last quarter, the players were just super, the way they just found, they dug really, really deep."We probably didn't play our best footy at times, and Adelaide would probably say the same, it was a bit of a struggle for both teams, to try and get the game looking the way both teams would have liked. That win was full of character."


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