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Game Of The Century Wales New Zeland 1905

Game of the Century was a rugby game that went down in the history of two nations. The Wales vs New Zealand match in 1905 was the first confrontation between two teams that were to become major rivals. This fascinating DVD dramatically reconstructs a classic rugby encounter between Wales and New Zealand.
The All Blacks and the Welsh had never crossed paths until that unforgettable match. Now for the first time you can watch an incredible dramatic reconstruction of a match that sparked more than a hundred years of fierce rugby rivalry. The expectancy of the 47,000 person crowd was electric and the rugby didn't disappoint. Using eyewitness accounts and rare footage and photos, Jonathan Davies attempts to give a modern account of what happened on that historic day in 1905. Watch as Davies tries to get the bottom of a mystery that has dogged rugby history for a century - the 'try that never was.' Make your own mind up was there or was there not a fair winner that day?
For the first time, you can enjoy fabulous reconstructed highlights from a classic rugby match between the mighty All Blacks and their Welsh opponents. Join the legendary presenter Jonathan Davies as he seeks to unravel one of the greatest sporting enigmas of all time.
In the year 1905, the New Zealand 'colonial' team were the greatest team ever to visit the  British Isles,  they were 'The Originals'.  Before arriving in   Wales  they were undefeated, having played 27 matches on tour, scored 801 points with just 32 points scored against. under their captain Gallaher, the team were dominant, earlier that year, they had beaten Australia  14-3, then on the tour Scotland 12-7, Ireland 15–0 and England 15–0 . Wales were unbeaten too, thrashing England 25-0, beating Scotland 6-3 and Ireland 10-3. So the scene was set, Triple Crown Wales against the all conquering All Blacks, a name they had earned on the tour, at Cardiff Arms Park. This was billed as the ‘Match of the Century’. the ‘World Championship’, the top two teams in the world head to head. The game lived up to expectations, it was the most controversial rugby match ever. The arguments rage and still do to this day. One thing is for certain Wales won the game 3-0 and were crowned the ‘unofficial champions of the world’.

Dvd Rip, Fictional
Codec H264, Mkv
English Comments
Formatted 16/9




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