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Tri Nations 2006 Review

The 2006 Rugby League Tri-Nations was hosted for the second time by Australia and New Zealand. Sponsored by Gillette the tournament followed the same format as in 2004 and 2005, with each team meeting the other two teams twice, and the top two teams at the end of the group stages proceeding to the final. Australia was to run out winners in a tight final. The team won in golden point extra time with Darren Lockyer scoring the winning try in the 87th minute.
It was the tournament that had just about everything. "Gillette Rugby Tri-Nations Official Review" takes you through the thrilled-packed, highly emotional seven-game series between Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand from 2006.

Regarded as one of the most challenging international Rugby League series ever, all seven of these controversial epic encounters are captured here on one very special souvenir DVD. The final is, without question, the finest game in the sport's history.
With the irrepressible Sean Long quitting the tour and New Zealand being deducted points for fielding an ineligible player, the tournament certainly began in dramatic and controversial style. But then came the action on the field! On an unforgettable, action-packed night in Sydney, the Great Britain Rugby League team produced a performance that will live long in the memory and defeated the Australians in their own back yard. The two-month spectacular culminated in an astonishing final and a last gasp Aussie win against the Kiwis in added on time. This two and a half hour DVD will be watched over and over by Rugby League enthusiasts.

DVD Rip, 2h20
Codec H264, Mkv
Bitrate 1300
Sound 160kbps
English Comments
Pass : thewildbunch22
Formatted 16/9

Cover Scan



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